test post

Lets write soenthing here in a paragraph in order to test the functionality of the website using medium feeds.

Lets type something here

  • by Lande Castberg
    Photo by Drew Beamer on UnsplashAre you one of those people who has no problem sharing your opinions when asked? Or do you sometimes speak up on behalf of others, even if they haven’t asked, because you feel it’s the right thing to do? Even if you’re not one of these people, we all know someone who is like this.In many situations, these individuals are appreciated because they’re not scared to say it as it is. Quite often, they say what most people are thinking. There are a lot of positives to having this type of person around in the right environment. […]
  • by Lande Castberg
    Over the years, I’ve had all sorts of bosses. Some were amazing, some… not so much. But I’ve learned something from every single one of…Continue reading on Medium »
  • by Lande Castberg
    ”Everything will be okay in the end, and if it’s not okay, then it’s not the end.”_ John LennonContinue reading on Medium »
  • by Lande Castberg
    3 reasons why this works for meContinue reading on Medium »
  • by Lande Castberg
    Now more than ever, organisations have a higher focus on delivering business value, and are often berated for not being more value driven…Continue reading on Medium »
  • by Lande Castberg
    So here is why SAFe (Scaled Agile Framework) makes you lazy..A lot of large organisations choose to implement SAFe because it is very prescriptive; especially if you are not sure how to start implementing agile at scale. It also has a lot of exams and certifications and therefore shows some level of exclusivity; it includes key concepts such as Value stream mapping, DevOps, Kanban, etc. All of which will strike a cord with organisations wanting to lead transformations, it basically appears to be a one-stop shop for everything agile. In some ways this is rather clever, because what they have […]

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